Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Looks all the way...

I was not rushing with work this afternoon so I sneaked in little time watching youtube with my bb phone, I stumbled upon showtime obviously because vice ganda was in it. So there was this new segment on their show called 'that’s my tomboy' which contestants are all lesbians. It’s very entertaining and very interesting. Showtime grabbed my attention all the more. Like vice, I find gays extra-ordinary. Most of my gay friends are either extra talented or extra humorous. I’m glad showtime started a segment, this time for lesbians because it’s long overdue. It’s about time for people to understand that gays and lesbians are not less than any gender. On a related note, I find one of the weekly final’s Q&A interesting. The contestants were asked to arrange three things according to importance. LOOKS, INTELLIGENCE, SENSE OF HUMOR. Most of them picked intelligence as the most important, sense of humor next and looks last. I was kinda impressed with how they were able to justify their answers. (Infact I like the way lesbians answer a question, they are more sincere, straightforward and totally not exaggerating very unlike sireynas) However I thought they just gave safe and common answer which majority of the people wanted to hear ofcourse. Oh well I'm okay with that but I liked one contestant’s answer better. She said sense of humor is the most important thing followed by intelligence then looks. She said she placed intelligence second because she thought some intelligent people are too weird, geeky and unapproachable, something like that. I liked this answer because it was out of the box at the same time she had a very good point there however I was expecting atleast one from them to be unique enough to go for looks first because that was my answer lolz. Imagine my face when one of the contestants went for looks first! But the smile on my face did not last because she did not justify it convincingly and confidently. Sayang, She is cute pa naman with that Justin Bieber peg. She is actually one of my early favorites. As I said, for me looks would be on my top list, followed by sense of humor and intelligence only third. Why? Because the question is to arrange, not to pick one. I would assume I was already given these three things but I need to arrange because even 100% divided by 3 doesn’t have an exact answer. There has to be one most dominant of all and I would have to say looks. Yes looks. If I was already intelligent, would I want to be more intelligent? NO. I could not handle that. I would want to have more sense of humor instead because I want to have more friends and I want to make people laugh but not too much sense of humor. That I could not handle either. Now, assuming I was already intelligent and already have more sense of humor, what else would I be asking for? Great looks for sure. The greater the better. No limits, as long as there's way to enhance it, ahead I go. Let's face it, human as we are, it's impossible to get enough when it comes to looks enhancement. Infact even holywood stars underwent plastic surgery as there's always gonna be some points we're all gonna feel insecure. Good looks apply not only to human but to everything around us. Anything that is pleasing to the eye attracts more attention and always gives better first impressions. Before I end this post I just thought I need to share to you one of the contestants pickup line for Anne Custis. "Anne, nagreview ka ba? Bakit? Kasi pasasagutin na kita!" Aaaww! And ofcourse this you gotta see...the weekly final's Q and A, the link for ya http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Td0rHtX5SAw

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I have issues..

I always avoid going out alone. For lots of reasons. Firstly, I get dizzy too quickly moving a lot. And when I mean dizzy, it is always followed by headache. Secondly, I have no sense of direction. I get lost always. I have trouble finding my way in and out, above all if it requires many left and right turns. Also, I cannot differentiate cars. One time our company driver dropped me off to the bank. When I got out the bank, I could not find which car in the parking lot was our car. I didn’t know what to do. I was standing too long and when finally I reached the one that I thought might be the one, the car’s alarm started to go off because obviously It belonged to someone else! Thirdly, I have trouble getting familiar with people’s faces. I’m not sure whether it’s because I have poor vision. It could be one of the reasons but even with glasses on, I still hardly recognize people. You won't believe it but up to now, I can't remember how many cousins I currently have. I fucking cannot tell them apart. I also cannot tell how am I related to a certain relative. Don't even think about asking me to draw my family tree or I screw up. Not that I don't care, I really do, infact I always ask my mother but typical me would remember one minute, the next I would totally forget. It's never easy for me to memorize the names of my husband's aunts and uncles, how many they are and where their houses are located. I cannot take medine like three times a day. I always take them less than the times required because I forget. Do you think I have early signs of alzheimers or am I just crazy? All these justify why I hate going to social gatherings and family reunions. I don’t want people to think I'm a snob when actually I'm not, I really just can’t recall people and things like most people can. I am such a total outcast as shit. Now you know why I love online shopping. Lolz. Let me shift from being an idiot to being an expert now, I don't wanna hate myself some more that's why. As I was saying, I am an online shopping addict. And that being said I found a new online store! I tried it and so far so good. They offer free shipping nationwide and you can pay thru credit card, online banking and even over the counter remittance. During their clearance sale, I was able to get two pretty watches for just the price of one! I am very familiar with this brand because I bought one worth 700 pesos from lazada before and I did not regret it. The quality was good. You can compare it with other brands with higher price tags. Paying 500 now for two cool watches is such a steal, yes? But being one of the few to get limited time promos has a trick. Do you know that you can get real time notifications by liking any page in facebook then clicking get notifications? If you want to be notified of sale alerts ahead of others, do this. Trust me. I am a sucker for online promos! And all these won’t be possible without an internet connection. Did I already tell you I have unlimited internet connection whenever wherever, 100 all network texts plus a brand new blackberry phone, all for only 550 pesos a month? Because I have. You can’t find anything greater than this right? My only problem so far is phone battery. I need to buy perhaps a power bank to extend my phone battery life because internet sucks battery faster than normal. And..and I run out of stories to tell. Well can I call it a day then? Yes I can. Goodbye

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Life oh life!

I was brushing my tongue slowly, because as you know, brushing the tongue takes a lot of patience and concentration. One wrong move and you’re messed up. So while I was concentrating on cleaning my tongue with a tooth brush I remember one article I red on yahoo website about human not originally from earth. Aha rocket science! Whatever. I’m boring so deal with it. To continue, so there is this one rocket scientist saying human were not meant on earth to live. He said there is possibility humans were from other planet or other universe. Just so you know there are I guess facts coming out that our universe, where earth belongs, is not the only universe out there. It is most probably one of the many universes in space. Google it, I am not making stories up. So what made him said that? Well it’s just his theory. He said there are obviously things that are not compatible or does not go well with humans. Disease is one thing. Humans are more prone to sickness than animals which according to him is odd because humans are the most developed species on earth and yet they are the least compatible with environment: harmed by sunlight, with strong dislike for raw foods, etc. Thinking about his theory, I realize what he is trying to say, and that is Earth could perhaps only meant for animals and humans were meant elsewhere! It could be true right? There are a lot of things we have and we know that animals don’t. Oh my, how could we be the aliens? Poor animal kingdom, we invaded them! On a related note, did you happen to see on the internet what a parasitic twin looks like? There is this one baby I saw on youtube with a parasitic twin. Her parasitic twin is another head conjoined on top of her head like a crown. What shocks me is the fact that her parasitic head has a face and has a life of its own! It’s basically another baby, only it has no body at all. The head can blink, yawn, sleep while the other is awake, even suck a pacifier! OMG. The sad part? The baby could survive only by removing the parasitic head. So the doctors had no other choice but to cut off the other head. And the saddest part of all. The baby also died of brain infection one year after the operation. Why am I saying this? I realize that life and our body are two separate things. Given the right elements and composition, a life could exist even without a body that controls it. Who knows, there might be life outside earth. It could be just a tiny particle or it could have no form but can move freely. Or maybe one day, even life could be cultured or processed. And that brings me to my own theory. Not only would natural humans soon be gone but emotions as well. Why you ask? Because we got emotions out of PAIN. We don’t want to be hurt so we protect our body and the people closest to us. And once pain is gone, love is gone. Without pain, we know everyone is safe. We know everyone is fine. No reason to worry. Scary right? Happy advance Halloween!