Thursday, October 3, 2013

Life oh life!

I was brushing my tongue slowly, because as you know, brushing the tongue takes a lot of patience and concentration. One wrong move and you’re messed up. So while I was concentrating on cleaning my tongue with a tooth brush I remember one article I red on yahoo website about human not originally from earth. Aha rocket science! Whatever. I’m boring so deal with it. To continue, so there is this one rocket scientist saying human were not meant on earth to live. He said there is possibility humans were from other planet or other universe. Just so you know there are I guess facts coming out that our universe, where earth belongs, is not the only universe out there. It is most probably one of the many universes in space. Google it, I am not making stories up. So what made him said that? Well it’s just his theory. He said there are obviously things that are not compatible or does not go well with humans. Disease is one thing. Humans are more prone to sickness than animals which according to him is odd because humans are the most developed species on earth and yet they are the least compatible with environment: harmed by sunlight, with strong dislike for raw foods, etc. Thinking about his theory, I realize what he is trying to say, and that is Earth could perhaps only meant for animals and humans were meant elsewhere! It could be true right? There are a lot of things we have and we know that animals don’t. Oh my, how could we be the aliens? Poor animal kingdom, we invaded them! On a related note, did you happen to see on the internet what a parasitic twin looks like? There is this one baby I saw on youtube with a parasitic twin. Her parasitic twin is another head conjoined on top of her head like a crown. What shocks me is the fact that her parasitic head has a face and has a life of its own! It’s basically another baby, only it has no body at all. The head can blink, yawn, sleep while the other is awake, even suck a pacifier! OMG. The sad part? The baby could survive only by removing the parasitic head. So the doctors had no other choice but to cut off the other head. And the saddest part of all. The baby also died of brain infection one year after the operation. Why am I saying this? I realize that life and our body are two separate things. Given the right elements and composition, a life could exist even without a body that controls it. Who knows, there might be life outside earth. It could be just a tiny particle or it could have no form but can move freely. Or maybe one day, even life could be cultured or processed. And that brings me to my own theory. Not only would natural humans soon be gone but emotions as well. Why you ask? Because we got emotions out of PAIN. We don’t want to be hurt so we protect our body and the people closest to us. And once pain is gone, love is gone. Without pain, we know everyone is safe. We know everyone is fine. No reason to worry. Scary right? Happy advance Halloween!

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